Stone Work

by Richard Reeve
Stone Work
Richard Reeve
Photograph - Photograph
These towering conveyors stand quiet now, but come the next shift they will be pouring the quarried rocks into towers of stone ready to be transported for building work throughout the land.
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September 22nd, 2013
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Comments (16)

Zinvolle Art
Wonderful work! I love images like this! Great tone and texture! The sky is so dramatic! V

Lee Craig
Marvelous processing! I love the warmth in some places and the coolness of others. Well done. v-9

Shirley Miller
I love the sombre mood - fantastic sky - impressive b&w composition.v
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you Shirley. I was trying for a gritty industrial feel and I was pleased with the result.

Hugh Thompson
Great combination of textures and linear elements. The the gray stone is in bright contrast to the somber gray of the sky.
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you Hugh. This is a great location for textural photos and I am still experimenting with HDR processing