Tardis - Think Inside the Box

by Richard Reeve
Tardis - Think Inside the Box
Richard Reeve
Digital Art - Graphic Art
TARDIS - Think Inside the Box by Richard Reeve
I have never really understood the hackneyed demand by my corporate overlords and their consultant lackeys to "think outside the box." I prefer to conduct my cerebral exercise inside the box, where there's more room...
Featured FAA Group Image
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October 1st, 2015
Comments (24)

Paul Boizot
Well, re "think outside the box", I have never known which box they mean. Maybe now I know! I remember watching William Hartnell as Dr. Who....

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p

Carol Neal
What fabulous variety in your work ruichard, and this is so clever and well designed! L F

Jean OKeeffe Macro Abundance Art
Congratulations for your 10-6-15 feature on the homepage of Greeting Cards For All Occasions!

Jim Williams
That's why they have their boxes, being half your age. They can't concentrate. l, f, WHAT?

Meg Shearer
Very cool and well done! I love this Richard! L/F!
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you. Meg. I am so tired of being told we have to "think outside the box," often by people who are half my age!