All Work and no Play makes Jack a Dull Boy

by Richard Reeve
All Work and no Play makes Jack a Dull Boy
Richard Reeve
Digital Art - Graphic Art
All Work and no Play makes Jack a Dull Boy by Richard Reeve
In this 24/7/365 society we should heed this advice or the consequences could be dire...
August 4th, 2016
Comments (5)

The Artist Who Was Formerly Known As Six
All work and no play makes me tired. All play and no work makes me retired. Featured in FONT ART. LF

Meg Shearer
I can hear JN saying it... I like how you've laid this out. And true words for all of us. l/f!
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you, Meg. In these days of 24/7 email access from the Corporation I need to remind myself of this in order to not go mad sometimes... ;-)