New Life Through the Window

by Richard Reeve
New Life Through the Window
Richard Reeve
Photograph - Photograph
Looking through the charred window of the barn at Valley Brook Farm, Caln, part of the Lloyd Park Estate, to the bright green rows of corn thriving after the recent rainfall, one cannot but think of rebirth and the ongoing cycle of change...
Featured Group Image
The Artistic Photographer - 06/16/2014
Visions Of Spring - 06/21/2014
June 15th, 2014
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Comments (19)

Henry Kowalski
Nicely seen Richard
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you, Henry. We were saddened that the barn had been burned out only a month before, but I made the most of it!

Meg Shearer
I love window shots, and this is beautiful! It's almost like a picture on the stone wall. And the contrast between the old stone and the fresh green is wonderful! Very cool shot! L/F!
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you, Meg. We only discovered the place this weekend and found that there had been a fire less than a month ago!