The Gift

by Richard Reeve
The Gift
Richard Reeve
Photograph - Photograph
The Gift by Richard Reeve
What better gift can our young Buff Orpington hens give us than a freshly laid egg? They've grown up fast throughout the summer, from chicks into pullets and have just now started laying. We found the first egg yesterday and this is the second one, fresh from the egg box and ready for use...
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Greeting Cards for all occasions - 08/13/2015
August 12th, 2015
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Comments (8)

Jean OKeeffe Macro Abundance Art
Congratulations for the feature of your artwork on the homepage of Greeting Cards For All Occasions 08-13-15!!

Meg Shearer
A lovely gift indeed! I like the feather also! L/F!
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you, Meg. That's exactly how it was presented to us! We just picked it up and I photographed it!