Two Become One

by Richard Reeve
Two Become One
Richard Reeve
Photograph - Charcoal
The pair of trees have grown up so close together that they share a canopy like a single tree.
FAA Feature Group Image
3 A Day Greeting Cards for all Occasions - 01/26/2015
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Comments (7)

Holly April Harris
I am very pleased to feature your awesome photo in ‘Seasons of the Trees in Photography!’ Please add it to the “2023 Third Quarter FEATURED IMAGES Gallery” thread in the discussions area to record and exhibit your image amongst the best in the group. Thank you! 7/29/23

Barbara Chichester
Your outstanding artwork has been chosen as a FEATURE in one of the most highly viewed Art Groups on Fine Art America. MOTIVATION MEDITATION INSPIRATION! From the hundreds of pieces of artwork received daily to review and choose from, your work has been chosen because of it's Excellence! Congratulations!