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10.00" x 7.00"
10.00" x 7.00"
Secondary Triangularism I Wood Print

by Richard Reeve

Product Details
Secondary Triangularism I wood print by Richard Reeve. Bring your artwork to life with the texture and added depth of a wood print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 3/4" thick maple wood. There are D-clips on the back of the print for mounting it to your wall using mounting hooks and nails (included).
Design Details
The De Stijil movement of the early 20th century, founded by Theo van Doesburg and championed by Piet Mondrian, used non-representational form that... more
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Artist's Description
The De Stijil movement of the early 20th century, founded by Theo van Doesburg and championed by Piet Mondrian, used non-representational form that was termed neoplasticism. Consisting of white ground, upon which was painted a grid of vertical and horizontal black lines and the three primary colors, this form relied on parallelism for its style.
I feel it is time for the lines to converge and for primary colors to take back stage: "Hail to the triangle in secondary colors - your time has come!"
FAA Featured Group Image
The World We See - 02/18/2015
About Richard Reeve

I am a visual story teller based in southern Pennsylvania, USA and my imagery is inspired from everyday objects and situations I encounter through my travels. My work has been exhibited and sold at the Bradford Avenue Galleries (Allinson Gallery and Huston Gallery) at Chester County Art Association, in addition to this online store. My images have also been exhibited at Panorama XXL, Rouen, France and the Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati, USA. I hope you will find something that inspires you, amuses you, makes you think, smile, frown, or perhaps just scratch your head. Go on, dive in... and for those of you who do so, I offer a big thank you for looking through my window on the world! ~Richard ReevePhotos Inspiring...
Joan-Violet Stretch
Love your Modrian triangular style
Richard Reeve
Thank you, Meg. As usual, I got on a bit of a theme!
Meg Shearer
I love these Richard! Wonderful simplicity and colors and lines! L/F!