Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly

by Richard Reeve
Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly
Richard Reeve
Photograph - Photograph
Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly - Richard Reeve
The Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly (Orthetrum villosovittatum) is also known by the less romantic name as the bog skimmer dragonfly. It has a vibrant scarlet red abdomen and is often found along creeks and streams in the Brisbane, Queensland area.
Unusually for dragonflies, these beauties are not particularly timid and will let you get up close to say hello.
February 10th, 2023
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Comments (5)

Brian Baker
Beautiful macro capture! l/f/voted for in Any Adult Insect Or With Bird With Wings contest!

Gary F Richards
Outstanding Fiery Skimmer Dragonfly composition, lighting, shading, beautiful color and artwork! F/L voted

Michaela Perryman
Congratulations, featured in Australia in Pictures 12/03/2023 You are invited to add this featured image to the January - March 2023 Featured Images discussion page in Australia in Pictures group