Amesbury - Stonehenge I
by Richard Reeve
Amesbury - Stonehenge I
Richard Reeve
Photograph - Photograph
Amesbury - Stonehenge I
Built around 3100 BCE by our neolithic (stone age) ancestors using only primitive tools, this world famous stone circle is truly spectacular. The stones were carved using only stone age tools and some of these weigh around 25 tons and have been transported at least 100 miles from where they were quarried, before the advent of wheels or pulleys.
No written records exist to explain the method of construction or the true purpose of this massive undertaking. Many theories abound regarding its function but we will never know. At the summer solstice, druids are allowed access to the circle but otherwise it is out of bounds to all but the birds to protect its integrity.
FAA Featured Group Image
Black and White – The Art Form - 22 July 2017
July 13th, 2017
Comments (4)
Gary F Richards
Spectacular capture, lighting, shading, and artwork! F/L …voted in the PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPHY contest.
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you, Gary. The place is spectacular and the site (with visitor centre and buses) has changed dramatically since I visited it as a kid.
Mary Ann Weger
Congratulations! Your beautiful work has been featured in the Fine Art America group “Black and White – The Art Form”! You are invited to archive your featured image for permanent storage and for viewing on the Discussions Page: “2c- Member's Extraordinary Features and Showcased-Images are Archived here” theme. Simply copy your image’s Embed URL on your image’s profile page, and paste it into the Discussion Page theme as noted above. Group URL:
Meg Shearer
Marvelous shot Richard! It's perfect! And I love it in b&w! l/f!
Richard Reeve replied:
Thank you, Meg! This is 7 images stitched together and I'm pleased with the detail in the final image.